úterý 24. ledna 2012

...while my guitar gently weeps

český překlad ZDE!
ENG: My life got better. Don't know for how long, but so far... It's pretty cool. Not that it was bad before, but, you know... Glad I can say that, yeah.
Too much homework, srsly. I have an essay and a project to do till Friday. School's hectic, but awesome. The teachers are amazing, my friends are amazing. My family's amazing, fcourse.Thank God. ♥ I took some photos of myself, they aren't too bad. Gonna post one, so you can see what I look like -- most of you already know, though.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3RYvO2X0Oo&feature=related - been into Beatles lately. 8)

A photo my sis took last Friday.
See you guys. ♥

3 komentáře:

  1. jsem ráda že si se vrátila :) <3 těším se na články! a fotka je prostě PERFEKTNÍ <3!!

  2. překládat translatorem je fakt sranda :D Vůbec to nedává smysl :)
